10 Things You Can Do to Live Long and Well

Simple wellness strategies to adopt -- right now.

3. Switch to whole grains

Give up those refined flour, white bread and rice, and aim to load up on whole grains instead. The health benefits are numerous: Besides the high fiber content, whole grains are also rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Research shows that eating the recommended three servings of whole grains (about 48 grams) every day can help reduce your risks of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes by as much as 36 percent. Another plus: Because whole grains are rich in fiber, you'll feel full longer, which helps prevent overeating and weight gain.

4. Allow yourself a mental vacation

No thanks to our fast-paced lifestyle, we seem to be running at high speed all the time. (When's the last time you gave yourself a mental break and just do nothing?) Unfortunately all that excess stress can lead to chronically high levels of stress hormones, which has been linked to decreased immunity and fertility, and increased risk of certain cancers. So slow down your engine by giving yourself a five- to ten-minute session of mental time-out every day: Sit in a quiet spot and picture a peaceful scene – a garden, the sea – or simply just focus on slow breathing. Simple relaxation techniques like this will help take away the stress and lower blood pressure.

5. Wash your hands

Washing your hands with water and soap is one of the most effective ways to fight disease-causing germs. To avoid transferring them, you should wash up after using the toilet, immediately before and after eating or cooking, and after handling your pet. Rub your hands vigorously for at least 15 seconds to create friction to remove dirt and germs, say experts.

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